Packing Services

Horizon Boston Movers does not charge an additional fee for packing, this means that even if on the day of the move you find that you need assistance to finish packing up your last couple of boxes, we can help! As a reminder, you’re only charged based on the time for which you use our services.

Naturally, we will charge you only if you need our packing materials. Charges for this will be based on the type of box being packed, as you can imagine boxes containing dishes or other fragile items will be slightly more expensive to pack than non-fragile items. If you decide to pack your belongings yourself, please ensure that all boxes are filled to the top. This will prevent any injuries as a result of boxes crumbling under each other’s weight.

Our extensive clientele serves to confirm and guarantee our impeccable reputation thanks to our customer service-oriented policies. Allow us to make your move easier by using our services for your move.

Call us today for a quote or more information! 617-991-7677